miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

animal in me


The animal in me is zebra.


 Zebra is pasisionate, dynamic, determined, untamable and impatient.


Scientist , Accountant, Referee and Lawyer/Judge.


Basketball ,Tennis ,Karaoke and Horse-riding.

Personal opinion:

Resultado de imagen de zebraI admire the personality of the  zerbra but I think she's not 100% like me. I agree with her personality in some cases, when the text says that the  zebra is impulsive, like me. I agree with her inteligent and competitive character. We are very dynamic and above all impatient.
I don't agree with her love and frienship life, the zebra is hard in her relacionships and I am very sensitive and loving. I agree with her friendly personality, and that she is determined. I agree with the  carrers, I am more of numbers than letters  but I am don't agree with the hobbies; the zebra people like basbetball and I  don't like it, and the same goes for the  other hobbies. I don't agree with the aggressive zebra character, I am calmer than her. 

Generally the character of the zebra and my character are alike.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019


Go! Vive a tu manera

Go! Vive a tu manera is a serie youthful. It's the first Argentine series created by Netflix. 
It's premiered the 22 on february of 2019.

Resultado de imagen de go vive a tu manera
It's about a teenager and talented girl named Mia. Her dream is get in  a prestigious high school in Argentina and get a scholarship to enter, but for his dream to be a singer and a dancer, it is very difficult and will have obstacles.

The actors are Pilar Pascual, Renata Toscano, José Giménez Zapiola, Santiago Saéz, Alex Muñiz, Carmela Barsamián,Paulo Sanchez Lima, María José Cardozo, María José Chicar, Gastón Ricaud and Laura Azcurra.

In total are 2 seasons and 30 episodes, the last one it's premiered the 21 on june of 2019.
The series is very beautiful and interesting to see. 

sábado, 5 de octubre de 2019

My hero


My hero is my sister. Her name is Fàtima. She is 28 years old. She is married and she has 2 children. She lives in Barcelona.
Currently she’s working in Pharmacy. She likes travel, go out with her friends and family,she likes see a comedian films,she love eat a traditional Moroccan dish, it’s called Tajín. She doesn’t like couscous and cats.

Her dream is make a her own pharmacy . The solutions are working hard.
She is a brave person because she has overcome difficult things in her life. She's stop studying on 4 eso and then she is married when she is 21 years old, but then she decided continue with her dreams and be a pharmaceutical. She is a very reliable person, self-confident, sympathetic and very sensible, like me.

She is my hero because she inspiring me and she transmet energy to me and always tells me never give up to my dreams and that everything can be achieved.

QUARANTINE These days in quarantine I am trying to be positive and do all the things that I wanted to do before. At the beg...